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The use of rapid prototyping to assist medical applicatoins
作者:Gibson etc
三维打印机, 快速成型机, 3D打印材料/光固化材料, 快速成型制造软件, ...
Making models based on patient data is an obvious application for rapid prototyping technology. Whilst many doctors and surgeons have used this technology successfully, it is by no means a standard for diagnosis or integration with medical procedures. There are numerous reasons for this related to complexity, cost, speed and other performance criteria. This paper will illustrate a number of instances where RP and associated technology has been successfully used for medical applications. These examples will serve to illustrate the diversity of tasks in which RP can benefit the medical community and form the basis for discussion on how medical RP technology should develop.
Keywords: Biomodelling, Rapid Prototyping, medical applications

全文请见:The use of rapid prototyping to assist medical applicatoins.pdf
文章内容仅供参考 (投稿) (9/3/2010)
网址: Http://www.labtor.com 电话:86-0591-88075816
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·The use of rapid prototyping to assist medical applicatoins Gibson etc (9/3/2010)
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