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Cimatron 思美创(北京)科技有限公司 (编号 485) http://www.cimatron.com.cn
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CimatronE Version 8.5 - Highlights
Innovative Soutions for Tool Making and Manufacturing

Cimatron’s CAD/CAM solutions address the entire process—from quoting through design, engineering changes, NC, and EDM programming to delivery—helping tool makers and manufacturers deliver higher quality tools and products at lower costs and shorter cycle times.

CimatronE Version 8.5 incorporates over one thousand product enhancements, including:

| Concurrent Engineering

Cimatron’s concurrent engineering capabilities improve productivity and collaboration and significantly compress product delivery times.

Concurrent design capabilities are built into Cimatron’s CAD applications, enabling multiple users to simultaneously work on the same assembly and shorten the design cycle. Starting with version 8.5, these concurrent design capabilities are available throughout the entire Cimatron CAD product line.


Cimatron’s support for concurrent engineering extends beyond the design phase. The integrated end-to-end design-to-manufacturing solution uses a single database that provides complete associatively and enables multiple steps of the design and manufacturing process to be performed in parallel.

| Streamlined Numerical Control

Modified NC Setup Reports: Automatically-generated NC reports facilitate the information flow between NC programmers and the shop floor, providing machine operators with detailed information that includes the tool paths, procedures, tools, and parameters for each job. Images and user-specific information can be added to the reports, which can be presented either online or in print.


Automated Drill: New operations added to the Automated Drill application include profiling of holes and threading cycles, as well as pocketing for pre-drill preparation of difficult to drill areas such as slanted surfaces. These operations can be integrated into the automated drill sequence and reused from libraries to increase efficiency and accuracy.


5-Axis Production: CimatronE version 8.5 features new enhancements to the 5-Axis Production application, including spiral cut milling, 3-5 Axis transformations, and advances in impeller roughing.


| Integrated CADENAS Catalogs

CADENAS PARTsolutions is now integrated into CimatronE 8.5, enabling tool makers to shorten design cycles by incorporating ready-made CADENAS catalog parts into Cimatron tool assemblies.

While the catalog functionality has long been available in Cimatron’s software, the CADENAS catalogs place thousands of new standard components at the disposal of Cimatron users, eliminating many of the manual and time-consuming steps in the tool design process.


| New Advanced Die Design Capabilities

Creating intermediate binder blanking surfaces and unfolding the part on these faces is one of the most challenging tasks in the die design process. In most cases, accurate results can only be achieved after a laborious and expensive trial and error process.


Based on a finite element analysis, Cimatron’s "blank on binder" enables the user to perform this task and unfold freeform shapes onto a 3D geometry with unprecedented speed and accuracy. (end)
文章内容仅供参考 (投稿) (4/25/2008)
Cimatron 思美创(北京)科技有限公司联系方式:
网址: http://www.cimatron.com.cn 电话:86-10-null
地址: 中国·北京·null 邮编100101
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