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昆山朝铨贸易有限公司 (编号 5286) http://www.jato-precision.com/CN.htm
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台湾朝铨(JATO Precision)回转气缸前置筒夹夹头
作者:Strason Tsai, JATO Precision
数控车床, 普通车床, 立式车床, 卧式车床, 车削中心, ...
本文刊于美国EngineeringTalk网站.由本公司台湾朝铨(JATO Precision)所投稿, 讲述JAP200型回转气缸内藏式之筒夹夹头之功能与性能.原文刊于http://www.manufacturingtalk.com/news/jat/jat100.html

大意如下. 客户选用JATO JAP200型回转气缸内藏式之筒夹夹头可以无需购置油压回转缸也无需安装夹头拉杆. 可以省去客户的安装工时. 另外可以节省购置油压设备的成本. 也无需购置油冷设备. 本夹头转速可达5000RPM, 采中空设计. 夹持力相当高. 在大部份的应用场合可以取代油压式筒夹夹头.

Jato Precision, the professional designer and manufacturer of collet chucks, power chucks and precision chucks, is proud to launch its Jato JAP200 Cylinder-Integrated collet chuck into the international market. Jato JAP200 Cylinder-Integrated Collet Chuck is specially designed to provide customers with unmatchable convenience to set up their collet chuck systems. Jato Precision owns advanced air cylinder technology which makes JAP200 Cylinder-Integrated Collet Chuck unique from other collet chucks in the market.

The air cylinder is built into the collet chuck, saving customers from purchasing and installing a hydraulic cylinder, a pump, a tank, an oil cooler or custom-making any drawbar and adaptor for the hydraulic actuators. This unique design also allows JAP200 to have high speed of 5000 rev/min, and ensures high air pressure by extremely low air leakage. JAP200 also features a large through-hole, making bar parts machining possible. The real front-mounted design makes the installation revolutionarily easier than ever.

JAP200 Cylinder-Integrated Collet Chuck is precisely manufactured and assembled. TIR of the chuck body is within 0.002in. JAP200 now includes two models: JAP206-5C, which works with 5C collet and JAP207-16C, which works with 16C collet. Both models have dead length design, meaning that the workpiece's position will not be change when in operation. Jato Precision is also actively looking for distributors and OEM partners around the globe for JAP200 Cylinder-Integrated Collet Chuck.

文章内容仅供参考 (投稿) (10/5/2006)
网址: http://www.jato-precision.com/CN.htm 电话:86-0512-36839041
地址: 中国·江苏·昆山经济开发区前进东路579号中航城国际大厦907室
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·台湾朝铨(JATO Precision)回转气缸前置筒夹夹头 Strason Tsai, JATO Precision (10/5/2006)
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