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Inline compounding proves savings
作者:Carl Kirkland    来源:PT现代塑料
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Use of precompounded PIM feedstocks adds anywhere from $.50 to $3.00 to MIM part costs, according to a source at Latitude Mfg. Technologies (Hackettstown, NJ). Latitude owns rights to agar-bound PowerFlo feedstocks, which are supplied by RTP Co. (Winona, MN).

As you might imagine, inline compounding could generate tremendous savings in high-volume, cost-sensitive MIM applications.

After initial proof of principle testing, a 150-ton Engel press at Polymer Technologies Inc.’s (PTI’s) new plant in Clifton, NJ was equipped and interfaced with a twin-screw K-tron volumetric feeder owned by Latitude for a pilot plant demo of inline compounding (see November 2002 IMM, p. 62 for our latest report on PTI).

A noncompounded mixture of Anval 410 stainless steel powder, agar binder, and borate water was fed into the hopper and about 30 300g parts with thick and thin sections and abrupt section-thickness transitions were molded.

Post-sintered parts reportedly were indistinguishable from those molded with precompounded feedstock. Patents have been applied for.

As previously reported, PTI participates in an Advanced Technology Program (ATP) sponsored by the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST). The next step in the inline compounding proof of concept will be to demonstrate the process on ATP parts and characterize process capabilities.

Contact information
Latitude Mfg. Technologies
Hackettstown, NJ
(908) 813-8282
Polymer Technologies Inc., Clifton, NJ
(973) 778-9100
www.polymertechnologies.com (end)
文章内容仅供参考 (投稿) (2/16/2005)
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