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油封, 骨架油封, 石墨填料环, 汽封, 轴封, ...
1 ) Apply lubricant uniformly to all thread, nut and washer load-bearing surface
-- 将润滑剂均匀地涂于螺母、垫圈,承压的各表面等
2 ) Never use any compound to stick the gasket to the flange
3 ) Always torque with proper tools
4 ) Torque bolts in a cross bolt tightening pattern
5 ) Never retorque elastomer based gasket after exposition to elevated emperatures
6 ) Always use the bolts specified in the standard
-- 用标准中指定的螺栓
7 ) Use all the bolts of identical material
-- 采用的螺栓材质应一样
8 ) Never reuse bolts
-- 请勿使用用过的螺栓
9 ) Always use washers
-- 常用垫圈
10 ) Install the thinnest possible gasket
-- 尽可能使用薄一些的垫片
11 ) Never cut the gasket against the flange
-- 请勿在法兰上切割垫片
12 ) Store the sheets horizontally in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight
-- 储存在阴凉、干燥之处平放, 远离阳光直射(end)
文章内容仅供参考 (投稿) (4/30/2009)
查看更多密封垫片相关文章: more
·无石棉板与非石棉板的区别 newmaker (4/30/2009)
·垫片的种类 newmaker (4/29/2009)
查看更多密封件相关文章: more
·无石棉板与非石棉板的区别 newmaker (4/30/2009)
·垫片的种类 newmaker (4/29/2009)
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·汽车车门密封条的FSI分析 ADINA (1/4/2009)
·伺服控制系统在密封垫圈绕制系统中的应用 陈上挺 钱晓耀 孙崎岖 朱广伟 (12/26/2008)
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·膨胀套管螺纹联接设计研究 张建兵 韩勇 韩建增 (11/3/2008)
·骨架油封的结构和密封原理 newmaker (10/25/2008)
·骨架油封装配时的注意事项 newmaker (10/25/2008)
·标准件展区 > 密封件展厅 > 密封垫片 > 密封件文章
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